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Sold in Packs of 2 but priced individually. 7/16" fiber washer for Banjo Bolt C0NN9A349B.

Part Reference Numbers : 1103-3382, NCA99180A

Make : Ford/New Holland

Model : 172 Gas Eng, 1801 Indust/Const, 1811 Indust/Const, 1821 Indust/Const, 1841 Indust/Const, 1871 Indust/Const, 1881 Indust/Const, 2000 Series 4 Cyl 62-64, 2030 4 Cyl, 2031, 2110TR 4 Cyl, 2111, 2120 4 Cyl, 2131, 4000 Series 4 Cyl 62-64, 4000SU, 4030 4 Cyl 61-62, 4031, 4040, 4110TR 4 Cyl 63-64, 4120, 4121, 4131, 4140, 501 Series 4 Cyl, 541, 600 Series 4 Cyl, 6000, 601, 611, 621, 63-64, 630, 640, 641, 650, 651, 661, 671, 681, 700 Series 4 Cyl, 800, 800 Series 4 Cyl, 801, 811, 820, 821, 840, 841, 850, 851, 860, 861, 871, 881, 900 Series 4 Cyl, 901, Jubilee, NAA, NAB

Years:1960-64 Gasket (Fuel Filter Valve Stem To Body)

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